2015年2月16日 星期一

Red Hat 註冊



  • How to register a new Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to the Customer Portal using Red Hat Subscription-Manager
  • How to un-register a system using Red Hat Subscription-Manager
  • How to register a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server to a specific subscription using its pool-id
  • How to update or migrate registered server from RHN Classic to RHSM?
  • What is Subscription-Manager and how do I register a RHEL system so that I can install packages or updates with yum?
  • How do I register my system to RHSM using Subscription-Manager, to be able to install packages using yum?
  • We are not able to install the packges from yum, how to register a system to RHSM to access the packages?
  • I'm trying to find rhn_register with RHEL 7.0 but it's missing. How do I register a RHEL7 server for updates?
  • How to register with rhsm


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 5.7 and newer
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 6.1 and newer
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 7.0 and newer
  • Red Hat Subscription Management
  • Red Hat Subscription-Manager
  • Red Hat Customer Portal


Red Hat Subscription Management allows users to track their subscription quantity and consumption.
NOTE: With Red Hat Subscription-Manager, registration and utilization of a subscription is actually a two-part process.
First register a system, then apply a subscription.

Register and automatically subscribe in one step

Use the following command to register the system, then automatically associate any available subscription matching that system:
# subscription-manager register --username <username> --password <password> --auto-attach
If the command is unable to attach a subscription, it will indicate that in the output. Then, you can attach the subscription from the Customer Portal, instead (see the next section).

Register first, then attach a subscription in the Customer Portal

Use the following command to register a system without immediately attaching a subscription:
# subscription-manager register

Attach a specific subscription through the Customer Portal

After registration, you can to assign a subscription to the registered system from the Customer Portal by referring this article.
  • After this, refresh the information on your machine using the following command. Be sure to run this any time you add or change the attached subscription from the Customer Portal:
# subscription-manager refresh

Attach a subscription from any available that match the system

After registration, use the following command to attach any available subscription that matches the current system.
# subscription-manager attach --auto

Register with a specific pool

After registration, use the following command to attach a subscription from a specific pool:
# subscription-manager attach --pool=<POOL_ID>
Note: With subscription-manager-1.1.9-1 or later, attach option has been replacing the subscribe option. For more information, please refer to following article: RHBA-2013-0350
If you are not sure of the pool ID needed, these and details such as expiration dates can be viewed using the following command:
# subscription-manager list --available --all

Registration via GUI

# subscription-manager-gui
  • Systems can also be registered with Customer Portal Subscription Management during the firstboot process or as part of the kickstart setup (both described in the Installation Guide)

Unregistering a system

# subscription-manager remove --all
# subscription-manager unregister
# subscription-manager clean